Added an option to exclude packages completely from your project import path and completion suggestions.Smarter package handling - The IDE is now smarter at prioritizing completion items for packages that you use frequently and that are explicitly declared in the go.mod file of your project.Support for time package - Added support for the time package so you can work with time and duration more easily.
#Goland live templates code#
The Incorrect usage of Println/Printf like functions code inspection will now warn you about potential problems in /pkg/errors, /sirupsen/logrus, and go./zap packages.This works for functions and methods of testify/assert, testify/require, testify/mock, and testify/suite packages. When you complete a function or method that accepts testing.T as the first argument, GoLand now passes that argument automatically if possible.You can now run Testify suites with the same method name separately within a single test case.It is now possible to rerun a subtest from the Run tool window to avoid rerunning the entire top-level test.Expanded support for Testify - The IDE now recognizes the test function that starts a test suite, and provides a way to start an individual suite.Run and suite.T().Run, as long as the subtest name is a string constant.A subtest name expression can be a string field in the test data, a concatenation of test data string fields, and an fmt.Sprintf() call with %s and %d verbs.Loop variables used in a subtest name expression must not be touched before the call. The individual test data entry must be a struct literal.It must be defined in the same function as the call and must not be touched after initialization (except for range clauses in a for loop). The test data variable must be a slice, an array, or a map.Support for table tests - You can now run and navigate to individual table tests from the Run tool window.
#Goland live templates how to#
Added the ability to specify the default behavior of the debugger on disconnect in your configuration settings, you can choose Stop remote Delve processes, Leave it running, or have GoLand ask you how to proceed each time.Added the ability to stop a process with Go Remote configuration if no reattach is required.Added the option to hide an individual goroutine or goroutines with the same stack.Added new Dump Goroutines icon in the debugger which lets you easily find goroutines that contain a specified string in the stack during the debug session.